NOTE: Play Fullscreen!

This is my first attempt at making a "game" with Unity, a checkpoint of a journey i've started around 2-3 months ago. This project was created purely for learning purposes, but I share it here anyways.

Things that I know: the game physics is all over the place in some cases, the controls are sometimes awful, and the game is very simple. However, i'm glad that i've managed to develop it to this state with the Unity knowledge I have, and I dare to call it an MVP.

I encourage you to leave your constructive feedback and thoughts on the game, and i'm also open to tips & tricks regarding game development in general. Have fun! (as much as you can :D)

Published 9 days ago
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags3D, car, explode, obstacle, road, traffic

Development log

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